Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Bullying At School: Causes, Effects and Implications
boss around At School Causes, Effects and ImplicationsSchool hoodluming has evolved into a world massive phenomenon that has received very little or no attention at all. In new years, it has garnered global attention and, although studies substantiate gruelling on the view point from the victims perspective, fresh studies argon geargond towards studying pranceing from a social and cultural view. Bullying is defined as a methodical way of demoralizing a person or a grouping of people who may seem inferior to a potential strong-armer or group of bullies due to some(prenominal) different incidentors such as race, gender, intellectual ability or just a way to feel snap off ab reveal themselves. Throughout this paper, we leave behind attend to at the many different atomic number 18as that hurl been identified as critical functions in remedying an age old occupation that has been a staple in schoolhouses across the entire world for many years.Contri buting Factors and Fa mily TypesNow we have to have a good understanding of approximately of the contributing factorsthat makes up the components of the bully, the bullied and the bystander. Although bully isa learned demeanor, a major contributing factor is derived from what is learned in the home.Studies have shown that there three types of families that domiciliate to bullies. The first onedubbed The Brick Wall family demonstrates the belief that power equals control. This type ofenvironment mounts to be a great training ground for a potential bully. sundry(a) factors figure intothe equation like one pargonnt demonstrates absolute authority, rigid enforcement of rules by use ofthreats or imagined violence, use of humiliation and world taught What to approximate, Not how tothink (Barbara, Colorosa).The second type of family commonly referred to as The Jellyfish Family tend topromote the virtues of a child to become a bully, a vulnerable target or bystander by not settingboundaries and structure for children, the p atomic number 18nt fleshlyly and psychologically abandons thechildren and second chances are routinely given. The last family The Backbone Family isnot demanding at all. They do not demand respect they model and teach it, rules are clearand simply stated and mis load downs are viewed as chances to learn. Clearly, family has a decisiveadvantage in determining a childs course, but society has become a greater teacher than anyhome apprise be due to all the advances in technology such as the internet, cell phones, and peer pressure and the lack of parents being home due to dual income families being needed more right off during the current recession going on in America now (Barbara, Colorosa).Seven Types of BulliesBriefly we have looked at contributing factors to bullies, but we will take a glance at the some(prenominal) different types of bullies. The Confident Bully often has a hefty ego and sense ofdominance The Social Bully is resentful of the optimistic tra its of others The Fully ArmoredBully is calm and isolated The Hyperactive Bully has trouble make friends The BulliedBully is bullied by adults or sure-enough(a) kids The Bunch of Bullies usually perceived as nice kids andlast, but not least the Gang of Bullies is a group drawn together in rocking horse of control, ascendancyand total absolution of power (Barbara, Colorosa). All have different agendas, but they all usethe three elementals fundamentals of strong-arm verbal, physical, and relational. verbal deterrenceaccounts for 70% of all reported bully for mainly two reasons (Barbara, Colorosa) It is easyto get away with and if it is accepted by the majority, it degrades the intended target. Physicalbullying is actually only responsible for one-thirds of all reported incidents and the bully whomactually results to this form is more likely to move onto more serious criminal offenses in the incoming. Racial bullying is an area that we have not ventured into however it is prevale nt takingplace in climates where differences are deemed as bad and where common bonds are notcelebrated.The Victim or the BulliedThe Victim or Bullied can become a target for bullying due to a variety of factors. Thiscan be due to the victim being the new kid on the block, the kid who is smaller and younger in anew school, being submissive, gifted or talented, physical or mental disabilities or simply beingin the wrong place at the wrong time (Barbara, Colorosa). In any model the bullied child becomesisolated from their peers and develops survival strategies rather than social skills. Bullies areoften successful due to the fact they are ashamed, afraid of retaliation, they dont believe anyonecan or wants to assistance and society has led people to believing ratting is not acceptable. Eventhough secrecy is a other signifi incline factor to a bullys success, a child who is the victim ofbullying will expose warning signs and adults whether a teacher or parent must be mindful inobse rvation of the warning signs. Children speak through their body language, facialexpressions, eyes, words and the tone of voice when asked certain questions (Barbara, Colorosa).When children display a certain abrupt disinterest in school or refuses to go, is hungry afterschool, claims to have lost lunch money, stops talking about eitherday activities and peers or exculpately does something out of their normal character, it can be an indicator there may be aproblem. In todays society, most of the above mentioned clues almost describes a majority ofkids today especially teenagers, but as we will visit later knowing your children and establishingan open line of communication can be vital in ensuring your children chances of being a victimof bullying are minimized.Education of children will assistant in reducing the potential of a child becoming a bullyingvictim. It is imperative that children are taught how to react when they are placed in a situationdealing with a bully or a group of bullies pledge is a key instrument, letting a child knowthat they are not alone affirm that it is not their fault establish that there are measures that youas a parent can take and immediately inform school personnel of the bullying issues or concerns.Just as easy as you can reassure your children of all the measures that can beimplemented, equal caution must be exercised as not to hinder a childs capability to break downsome issues on their own so as not to be shunned by the other children as an individualwho cannot function without their parents orient involvement. Justification of a bullys actioncan be detrimental to your relationship or trust previously established educate your child, but letthey figure out the trounce way to make it amongst their peers avoidance should not be a course ofaction and by all means violence should only be apply if they are in imminent danger by the bullyor group of bullies. The next group we will explore is the Bystander (s) who more than oft ennot are just caught in the middle and basically are glad that the bully is not targeting them.Bystander (s) tend to think that intervention will cause greater suffering, they simply do notknow what actions to take, dont want to become the focal point of the bully or they dont wantto get hurt themselves. The victims of bullying have been identified as suffering from varioushealth problems, including diminished levels of psychological headspring-being, poor socialadjustment, psychological distress and physical symptoms (Rigby, 1996, 2003). Victims have awide range of issues such as social isolation, truancy, suicidal tendencies and depression. Also,experiencing peer harassment has been linked to depression, loneliness and social isolation.Victims often exhibit low self-esteem, have fewer friendships, school absences and even suicide.Relational bullying has also been related to rejection of peers, loneliness, isolation, depression and social anxiety all proved to be directly related to future psychological difficulties, according to Jacobsen, Kristen.The Bystander (s)Bystander (s) abilities or lack thereof, contribute to their fears and the lack of skills tocope with the issues leads to apathy and due to the fact that Bystander (s) witness first handbullying tactics, they are apt to becoming bullies themselves. Bystander (s) rationalize why theydo not take actions when they observe a bully targeting a child or a group of children they arefriends with bully, its not my problem, he/she is a loser or the fact that they dont want to belabeled as a snitch. Another aspect of bystander (s) perpetuating bully tendencies is throughthe spreading of rumors. Rumors are easy to start, spread and in lament terms unstated to confirmor deny and children are not concern with facts, they believe what everyone else does.Their ability to decipher the truth whether they want to or not is the real issue simply they justwant to fit in regardless of the truth, thus indirectly they are assisting the bully in tormenting thetargeted child or children. Three factors that will empower bystander (s) is the ability torecognize, refuse and report are the move they will need to be taught in order to not help in thebullying process.Social go and School BullyingSocial Experience and School Bullying studies have shown that these problems extendwell beyond the school and that children are exposed to dangerous situations in their ownneighbor hoods on a daily basis. These experiences within the very communities that they live inundermine relationships between students and their teachers and bring to light that interventionneeds to be extended to the broader community and neighborhood. A vast majority of studieshave concentrated on the psychological profiles of bullies and their victims. According to thesereports, bullies tend to assume a dominant role in interpersonal relationships and display lack ofempathy. They are reported as displaying high self-esteem but also egot istic defensive traits(Salmivalli, Kaukiainen, Kaistaniemi, Lagerpetz, 1999 Smith, 2004). Studies also suggeststhat like other aggressive individuals, bullies allot hostile intentions to the people with whomthey are interacting and that they are incapable of resolving conflicts without resorting toacts of violence (Crick Dodge, 1999 Dodge, Bates Pettis) .Classroom Management, Bullying and Teacher PracticesTeachers play a vital role in the school environment the enforcement of school policiesand ethos and the social interactions within the classroom. The absence of an adult (s) presenceoften contributes to bullies and their objectives. Studies have revealed that some teachers justdont observe the deviant behavior or they simply do not know how to handle the situationinvolving bullies. several(prenominal) cases have illustrated that training is sorely needed in order to help in theever growing epidemic. In some cases, teachers have intervened in physical bullying cases, butthey a cknowledge that the aspect of identifying relational bullying is hard to identify. Nowteachers and counselors have different roles in the school, but they are inter-related on so manylevels. Teachers are primarily educators and have limited experience in counseling, thus enterthe counselor. The counselor primary role is to ensure the students success academically, distributeerand socially. Due to the fact that the counselor works with the entire school population, they willhave a better understanding on some of the underlying issues that the teacher just may not havetime to observe. Teachers can prove to be a valuable asset in the fight against bullies, buttraining is still required to enhance the readiness of all school ply and administrators.For the most experienced to the novice of all teachers, teaching in todays society hasbecome more challenging than ever. It requires the ability to adapt to new and constant changingdemands. Although the issue is not new, a new light was sh ed on the issue during the ColumbineHigh School shooting in April, 1999 (Vossekuil, Fein, Reddy, Borum, Modzeleski, 2002).In recent years, research has implicated teasing, harassment, and bullying in a number oftargeted schools shootings that have taken place in the United States, according to (Kathleen P.Allen). Now in recent years, newer teachers in the profession stated they have felt unprepared fortodays classroom management skills when it comes to managing administrative tasks,curriculum and behavior issues. According to (Kathleen P. Allen), additionally, it is a well-established fact that student misbehavior is a factor in teacher burnout and the decision fornovice teachers to leave the profession.How Do Teachers Learn Classroom Management and DisciplineWhen you look at this complex issue, classroom management is not what it was in thepast. Classroom rules and guidelines were the main points other than course requirements in thepast however in todays culture, teachers have to worry about safety of themselves and otherstudents, being innovative and creative to keep students interested and constantly adapting tochanges to the profession. Teachers have to incorporate effective teaching strategies whichlet in meaningful content, powerful teaching strategies and an organizational structure tosupport productive learning. Successful teachers employ strategies for establishing rules andprocedures, organizing groups, monitoring and pacing classroom events, and reacting tomisbehavior, according to (Kathleen P Allen). Some teachers may revert back to when they werein school and how their teachers maintained discipline. Although many of these teacher may notbe teaching due to retirement, they still may act in a capacity as a mentor to todays generation ofyounger teachers. Now for up and coming teachers in college, management techniques are beingincorporated in the curriculum to help circumvent these issues. Practical experience can only begained through actual job experience, but they have a foundation to build on. Teachers currentlyin the business attend working group, field observations, student teaching, seminars and gainvaluable experience by sharing ideas and talking with their teacher counterparts.Bullying, Prevalence, Definitions and IssuesAccording to Kathleen P. Allen, in the largest survey of bullying in schools in the UnitedStates to date 29.9% of students were found to be involved in bullying demographics 13% werebullies, 10.6% as victims, 6.3% as bully-victims. This study is a direct indicator that there is adefinite problem that must be communicate in the United States school system. In looking into theissue of bullying, it has been discovered that it is a two way street. Now bullying from a teachersperspective in defined as a teacher who uses his or her power to reprimand, control or ridicule astudent beyond what would be a intelligent disciplinary course of action. According to KathleenP. Allen, 45% of 116 teachers surveyed at an elementary school admitted to bullying students.Also, at one intermediate school, 30% of students stated they were bullied by teachers. Duringanother study, it was founded that in the United Kingdom that high school teachers were bulliedby 56.4% by students at least once, 35.6% by students sometimes or more and 9.9% by studentsseveral times a week. The focal point of this particular part is that this behavior is underminingthe sanctity of the education process and promoting reciprocated aggression. In the event, andlack of evidence of adult bullying going on within schools themselves, is probably a direct factorof bullying being perpetuated throughout the masses. Teachers are an intricate part inestablishing a positive climate, thus they must maintain a professionalism that is unparallel tonone.Teacher Knowledge of BullyingIn order for teachers to prevent bullying they have to be educated on how to recognize thesigns and most of all they must be aware of what measures to take to reduce this epidemic. Whatis viewed by most teachers as normal remonstrate and simply kids being kids is truly the tip of theiceberg. Physical altercations and the communicating of verbal threats is what teachers view asbullying however through cell phone texting, e-mail and more sophisticated ways of disguisingbullying tactics teachers are fighting a losing battle. Students are very manipulative, and due tolack of classroom management abilities and the fact of teachers being overworked, underpaidand stressed beyond the point of no return, some teachers simply just dont care enough to go theextra mile and the ones who do care simply are just out numbered. Some scholars have looked atbullying as a social phenomenon, bullies tend to need an audience and this adds to the bullyspowerbase. From an bionomical perspective, students tend to be a product of their society. Sincethey live in neighborhoods where violence and aggressiveness are prevalent, they adapt to whatthey learn from s ociety. Unfortunately, the school environment is where the aggression ispracticed. horny distress has been associated with exposure to neighborhood violence ofteninterferes academic performance and escalates the potential risks of peer bullying.Different variables have a definite impact on the bullying epidemic sweeping the globe atan alarming rate. First, we look at the sense of community-the acuity of belonging to aneighborhood, social relationships that implies to the eagerness to help others. Secondly, theexposure to dangerous and violent events where the young people live on a day to day basis.The perceived safety in the neighborhoods in mating with the serious nature of socialproblems. Lastly, different variables such as school climate, relationships with classmates,relationships with teachers and attitudes towards school. Young people who are exposed toneighborhood violence often breakthrough it hard to control their feelings of anger and irritability whichcontributes to p oor academic performance. Students who exhibit the lack of self control find itdifficult to concentrate on basic school tasks. They are hyperactive, impulsive and easilydistracted and find it difficult to sit still long enough to do typical school work.What throw out We Do About BullyingPrevention and Intervention are ongoing studies, life experiences, reading materials,workshops and attending presentations dealing with this topic in depth. Teachers are go onto educate themselves through schools adopting different programs that has proven to beeffective in other schools foreign and domestic. These adopted programs require continualupdated training, but in every attempt to reduce bullying it is a sacrifice an overwhelmingnumber of teachers is willing to make. Very often these programs advocate policy developmentas well as well as realignment of the school or classroom code of conduct and behaviormanagement systems. Goals are obvious with these programs, reduction or the completeera dication in the bullying/victim problems in and out of the school setting and to prevent futureproblems (Dan Olweus). All attention is normally directed toward the direct bully concept. Aspreviously stated, direct bullying involves relatively open attacks on another student and mayinclude words, gestures, facial expressions or physical contact. Indirect bullying must beaddressed as well. A student exposed to this indirect bullying has a hard time making friendswithin his or her class and is excluded from the peer group.There is a direct link between the two types of bullying direct bullying victims are spurned by their peers and basically isolated. There is also a lot of students who are isolated andlonely without being a target by their fellow students. knowingness and involvement involve twogeneral conditions Adults at schools and to some measure at home must become aware of whatbully/victim problems exist in their childs school and that parents must take an active part incorrecti ng the problem. Bullying has proven to be a considerable problem in many countriesacross the world and reassures everyone in the teaching profession that no school is bully proof.A reasonable assumption is that when you have several children together and they cant decide who cannot be included in the group, and consequently bully tendencies will arise. Mapping the extent of the bully/victim problems at a particular school are a good start for an intervention program Dan Olweus). Should there an insignificant amount of bullying at a school, there must be an attempt to correct the problem altogether. By establishing that these problems exist in schools across the nation, parents and teachers must be persuaded to take aggressive action. Parents must understand that this is not an needed part of a childs life. Individual measures that can be taken by the teacher is if suspected bullying is taking place then he/she should exhibit the bully or bullies immediately. The intent is to let these offenders know that this type of behavior will not be tolerated by anyone. Should it be deemed that it is a group of bullies, and then each student should be handled on an individual basis. Swift action should be taken so as to prevent collaboration between the groups can be established. In most cases, should the group be allowed to conspire, then the victim will be made out to be the villain. Due to the fact that bullies are calculating, devious, persuasive individuals and often possess leadership abilities which entice others to follow them. After all individuals have been interviewed separately, then placing all offenders in a group and reinforcing the facts that bullying will not be tolerated and inform all parties to include parents of possible repercussions should alleged if not proven behavior should continue.
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